CAC 2007 - Early Birds - Wednesday

With the meet going to a full 3 days for 2007, the Early Birds page had to be moved up to Wednesday and there was plenty of people and cars around to see.  In fact I stopped in on Tuesday morning and a couple of members were already staking out their camp spots.  Ted Della Camera and his family, from the Yankee Boys, gets the award for the first one to the show this year pulling in Monday evening.

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Ted's latest find.  Some evidence that it raced in H-Modified at one time.  Anyone recognizing it?
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This nice Hot Shot found a new owner before the weekend was over.

Our President's nice Hot Shot

President Dave
I'm here.  Where are You?

Our President's Daughter Coleen's Super Sports fresh from the paint shop.

Undercover parking is at a premium, this Roundside is parked in the chicken barbecue pit.

Nice CC Sedan from PA.
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More Photos - EarlyBirds, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

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